A Family-Run Company
Since it was founded by Wilhelm and Marie Harting in 1945, HARTING has been 100 % family-owned.
A management transition has taken place from the second to the third generation of the family, in accordance with our vision to remain an independent family business. In October 2015, Philip Harting took over the executive chairman position from his father Dietmar, who is still a board member and focussed on the future and new technologies. Philip Harting now leads the Techology Group together with his mother Margrit, member of the board and partner, his sister Maresa Harting-Hertz, personally liable partner and board member of the Finance and Purchasing department, and other non-family managers.
Board Members of the HARTING Technology Group - Björn Lahm, Doris Höpfl and Andreas Conrad (from left to right)
An outstanding company
We are proud to give our best every day and are regularly awarded for it.